Reflective Log

 21 - 25 - 03 - 22

This week I finished my proposal and presented my FMP. I also received feedback on the padlet that my peers gave me feedback. At the beginning of another undertaking, we saw and dissected the errand brief.

28 - 04 - 04 - 2022

This week I planned my Pecha Kucha Presentation, I researched Ideas about my Pecha kucha and incorporated it in my Presentation. I then Presented my Presentation to my peers and teachers and received feedback. My peers also presented there's and I gave them feedback and listed the good things they've done and the improvement they can do. I also continued completing any work that needs completion.

07 - 11 - 04 - 2022

This week I was planning my Final Major Project which is designed to be about change. I'm really interested in Museums and the artifacts that come with them. I picked some Brilliant artwork/pieces and incorporated them into my description of Museums.

14 - 18 - 04 - 2022
This week I started my Timetable to ensure my Final Major Project is up to date and I've started my Proposals to plan My FMP. I started planning what topic and context ill be doing to ensure my work has a layout and plan.

21 - 25 - 04 - 2022
This week I started my following my schedule and further developed/enhanced my Research on my chosen Topics and context for my website and podcast design. Also, I continued finishing any work that needed completion.
This week I began completing of my work on the examination side of my tasks and to begin making/recording my digital podcast, I additionally have a composed Script/questions which I want to integrate inside my recording to make a more coordinated and proficient Podcast. I'm likewise close to the end of my website compositions and site examination.

28 - 31 - 04 - 2022
This week I was finalizing my podcast recording design. I created this using a recorder which was quite fun and easy to navigate through as I've used it before. I planned everything out first before moving to the other steps, I first made my script/questions and then cooperated it in my schedule. This week I researched my creative practitioner and analysed similar products to my chosen product design.

04 - 08 - 05 - 2022
At this point, there's no time to waste, giving my short measure of time staying on this undertaking, I needed to quickly move on assembling/setting up my items this week. I'm finishing my website design. I've delighted in making it. Clearly with such manifestations comes minor challenges however It pushes me to gain from my missteps, for example, the advances I struggled with managing interfacing from various pages yet as it progressively took off, I got its hang. Additionally, having one of my last pieces at home permitted me to come to school and work on something that required more consideration or essentially pose inquiries of my instructor, I had the option to more readily deal with my time.

11 - 15 - 05 - 2022

18 - 22 - 05 - 2022
This week was the week to finish/embrace all of my Final things. After I finished all my end results I showed/embedded my work to my blogger. I likewise got input from my companions on my last webcast and podcast compositions, expansion to that I additionally examined my last creation according to an unbiased perspective which went all around well and further fostered my comprehension and information on my work as an impartial/alternate point of view.

This week I likewise altered my podcast recording, which went all around well and was exceptionally simple to explore through. I wasn't content with the general aftereffect of my podcast. It was most certainly thought to have been having gone better and will involve my experience for additional tasks.

25 - 29 - 05 - 2022
This week is the final week to complete any remaining tasks and hand in your final productions. I received feedback on my work and quickly started to tick them off my list. I also gave feedback to my peer's work and the pros and cons. This week is also evaluation time and that also needs to be completed as soon as possible. 

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  I confirm that this assignment is my own work and that all use of source material has been properly acknowledged.  I am aware that failure...