Research and Contextual Analysis


The Godfather Soundtrack

The calm melodic tones and background violin makes the Godfather soundtrack ever more impressive, One of the most noticeable soundtracks in film history speaks for itself. The extra instruments used coincides very well with the overall theme which is based on crime. Throughout the Godfather soundtrack there's a lot of repetition if you analyse closely although what makes it very enticing about the soundtrack is that it doesn't let you relise your in a mini loop. Nino Rota was a well known arranger prior to working with in the Godfather. His works differs from dramas, instrumental works, ballet productions and music formed for the theater creations/Productions

Indiana Jones Soundtrack

Jon Williams is an American composer and pianist, he has noticeably done huge box office hits and continues to produce excellence, such as Jurassic Park, and Star Wars. Indiana Jones soundtrack quickly became one of the most cherished soundtracks and obviously alongside the overall film. It turned into the initial segment of the amazing series of movies about the undertakings of Indiana Jones. The upbeat instruments include violins, trumpets, trombones, cellos, and drum kits. It creates suspenseful tunes and all instruments includes creates their own style and add their own touch, throughout the whole song the tempo definitely increases for the better

Music Composer Research and Analysis

Diegetic Sound = Sounds that originate from within the scene. It can be in a film or video, sometimes it's referred to as the actual sound. It generally occurs in real to show its influence. Sounds that are included are instruments, voices, and different sounds from within the scene.

Non Diegetic Sound = Non Diegetic sounds are sounds that are edited in after the scene is filmed. It is sounds that characters in a scene aren't able to hear. 

Parallel Sound = Parallel Sounds are sounds that relate to the mood or tone of the current scene

Contrapuntal Sound = Contrapuntal Sounds are sounds that have the opposite mood and tone of the scenes, It generally has sounds that contrast within a scene or video. 

Sound Bridge = Sound Bridge is a technique used to transition from multiple scenes.

Leitmotif = Theme song portrayed specifically for a character.

John Williams

Jon Williams is an American composer and pianist, he has noticeably done huge box office hits and continues to produce excellence, such as Jurassic Park, Star Wars, and my ultimate favourite Harry Potter, which in return earned him a seat at the big table. The general themes he uses varies but he sticks to his principles as any good composer would do. Jon Williams uses multiple high-pitched instruments and his use of melodic tones is soft and natural and with instruments, such as the strings which accompany repeated tones.

Hans Zimmer

Hans Zimmer is a German composer and is known for films, such as Batman, and Superman - Man of Steel. Hans perpetually created the expression "computerized soundtrack". The term alludes to music being made with basic tones that can be altered to sound exceptionally symphonic. Hans Zimmer won various honors for his work on The Lion King, including an Academy Award for Best Original Score, a Golden Globe, and two Grammys. Hans Zimmer was impacted by his apprenticeship with Myers he created his own Media Ventures company. To top it all off he is literally a pioneer of computer technology and electronic keyboards.

Alan Silvestri

Alan Silvestri is an American composer. His varies from the Back to the Future film series, Predator, Forrest Gump, and a few Marvel Cinematic Universe films, including the Avengers films. He is an Academy Award and Golden Globe winner and an Emmy Award winner. His ability to craft melodies and scores that deeply resonate with and affect audiences. Silvestri's scores are faultless in their capacity to pull at the audience's feelings. Silvestri’s scores are impeccable in their ability to subconsciously clutch at our emotions.

John Barry

John Barry was an English author and guide of film music. He created the scores for eleven of the James Bond films somewhere in the range of 1963 and 1987, as well as orchestrated and played out the "James Bond Theme" for the primary film in the series, He is adaptable and productive, and Barry's composing style a powerful blend of supporting metal, enticing jazz, driving military rhythms, capturing key moves and mixing, rich tunes for strings. He brought eminence, scale, and polish to films across different genres.

Film Review Analysis

Photo Documentary

What is a Photo Documentary?

Photo Documentary captures the essence of everyday life and captures every moment such as memories, people, and historical events. Narrative photography can likewise be utilized in this manner to family ancestry. A few recognizable elements of a Photo Documentary would be the manner by which, not at all like typical news coverage photography, it revolves around the procedure with issues you can see through the different photographs.

Why is it Important to Society?

It's important as it envisages social change and recording history and the full intent of illuminating the general population. In addition, narrative photography journals occasions that need the consideration of a group of people to invigorate or support activity and social change.

There are numerous types of documentaries and I do think photography is documenting, whether or not it is your intention or not, it's still classified as a documentary as you are still recording memories.

A world without photography just doesn't appear to be ok. Photography can in a real sense simplify the view of individuals and change the overall parts of photos on the planet. It moves a large number of millions of individuals and allows individuals to catch each snapshot of their life which is perfect and significant for memories you've had. Photography is craftsmanship and the manner in which you catch everything is significant and truly connotes the significance of mastering various abilities and developing a people's psyche and how they approach life. In photography, there are so many ways you can associate with various individuals because assuming that there's one thing individuals share for all intents and purpose its photography, there's a tremendous scope of ways you can interface with individuals and generally motivational for some. There's a vast range of ways you can connect with people and generally inspirational for many. If you look at examples when photography didn't exist you would think the only way for people to have perceptions and memories of people is in the moment and there would be no other way to capture it which can be difficult to understand and I think we're very lucky to have the best technology and advanced photography.

Eliot Porter = Born6 December 1901, Winnetka, Illinois, United States

Education = Harvard university

Eliot Porter was a photographer who primarily produced the colour of nature. He made multiple photos of vivid images of landscapes and animals. He generally attracted the audience with his colorful detail in photos.

This photo has many colourful elements such the depth of colour shown all around the photo which produces this texture that you can feel with the appearance. The different types of colour used show the detail and show how much the artist values perfection. The pattern used is very minimalist but produces so much colour which fills in the rest of the gap. I really like the photo as it produces many natural elements in the photo and the depth of detail is incredible, during his adventurous career he traveled around the world to take pictures of nature.

Robert Frank = Robert Frank, born November 9, 1924, Zürich, Switzerland

Robert Frank was a Swiss Photographer who made many masterpieces.

He was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century which made his status grow stronger. He is known for his ironic rendering of American life

The photo is very simple and in black and white it makes it more important but gives it less information about the photo and doesn’t tell the audience the full story. The shape used is a rectangle based on the American flag and the windows. The pattern is simple, but the flag has multiple stars to represent the American flag. The texture is quite simple yet brings collective insight into the photo. What I like most about the photo is the simplicity of the design. It doesn’t give too much away and is very sophisticated.

The photo's colours are very bland as it's in black and white. It shows a photo of the people maybe a couple driving in their vehicle. He is well known for his photos of American Life which shows in this photo he took. The texture is very simple but coordinated in the clothes they wear which are black and white.

I really like the photo it shows what the artist wanted to depict which was American Life. I really like the black and white I think it shows more concentration in the photo.

Survey Practice

Making this survey was quite insightful and gave me a lot to think about and to ensure I incorporate in my final project. One of my primary research was based on my survey, Some of the questions asked were what works best for a women's rights project and what colour theme goes well with a website. The demographics was quite interesting and gave me points to include in my own final project. 8 people based on my target audience took part in my survey which became very useful and helpful when designing my own final project, the survey showed me what part to focus/delve on more 

Women's Right - Topic Research

Women's Voting Rights and Why it Matters

The option to cast a ballot is one of the most essential guarantees of our majority rules government. In a vote-based government, each individual is viewed as equivalent and is engaged to both take part in their administration and talk on the issues that relate to their day-to-day routines. Women Voting isn't just about casting your opinion, it's about change and how you can incorporate and reconstruct the way society moves forward.

Freedom Of Movement

A few nations such as, Saudi Arabia have regulations that restrict Women from going out in open except if joined by a male individual from their family, or that disallow them from driving, In my opinion, I think there is a visible lack of freedom in the past and present, although we can see the gradual improvement within many countries changing their laws/approach and amendments to support women in their daily life, which is a huge aspect and a step in the right direction. 

There is a high percentage of women who have voiced their opinions and stated that they have been harassed in broad daylight places. Women also had Separation rules which favoured men, giving no freedoms to Women. Most occupations were shut to Women and when Women took care of business they were paid just a small part, women were denied their fearlessness and self-confidence and were made absolutely reliant upon men

Work Place Discrimination

Women face a huge workspace disparity. This is reflected, for instance, in the elevated degrees of inappropriate behavior and savagery against Women, the 'orientation' pay gap, and separation at work. Statistics state that Men hold a greater chance of holding high-rank positions than Women, which is a disappointing statistic that no one until recently batted an eyelid.

Over the entire course of time, Women battled for their freedoms in the work environment. In the later ages, there were defining moments,, that empowered Women outperform and accomplish the best possible work environment. After 1930-40s, Women began to accomplish more and turned out to be more visible within society and there was a sense of acceptance within society, not so much as a sea change but a gradual improvement.

Past Origins

The cross-country development for upholding Women's democratic privileges was shaped in 1869, primarily by working-class Women. Women were not permitted a portion of the rights of basic freedom such as owning a property, They didn't have the luxury as their male counterparts would have. For example, women couldn't own property, and no Women had the privilege to cast a vote.

Website analysis of a Similar Product

League of Women is a leading website that was inspired by Carry Chapman Catt. The aim of the League of Women website is to revolutionize the way the audience understands and learns about the situations women face on a day-to-day basis which is a huge factor when designing and researching a topic for your website, One of the principal points is to show effortlessness inside the plan and have a moderate establishment to show its items.

The target audience is 18 and above given its popularity and general voting age in the world which is 18. The layout and design elements are very simple yet very effective when exploring different varieties and information within their website. The whole layout and navigation are very plain sailing which encourages people/the target audience to browse through their website. The visual layout is what appears on the screen, League of Women shows information/Topics with a summarized description, which makes the website really simplistic.  The pictures and online entertainment stages are effectively open with only a click on their symbols, and it will take you directly to their social media platforms. The pictures on the site are precisely positioned and fit flawlessly with the design and text style.

likewise, the variety of coordination of Purple, Blue, White, and a smidgen of Red is extraordinary and makes the composition/text easy to read. Having said that, I would change one thing and that is how plain sailing the website is, I would've enjoyed more tone and wow factors inside the site which would change it up.

Poster Analysis of a similar Product

Podcast Analysis of a Similar Product

The podcast includes topics on multiple situations that women face on a daily basis, the podcast also takes a deeper dive that include women's situations at work and the overall discrimination they face, and life experiences. It currently has 96 episodes to date and is a hugely successful upcoming podcast It is distributed on Apple podcast and YouTube. The podcast has transitions in the start middle and end, In each segment, it includes sound effects and promotion ads. The podcast has a jingle that starts as the intro and gradually picks up in the middle and end. It included instruments and a voice-over for the jingle which has a smooth effect and fades in perfectly. Furthermore, it incorporates news reports, anecdotes, and stories. In my opinion I really enjoy listening to this podcast as it hits and dives into topics that many podcast creators don’t do. I also like when they bring on guests and talk about situations that go on around in the world. 

Joint host Marc Evans brings a different look with The Brooklyn Nine Podcast and examines each season with the cast of the hit series Brooklyn 99. 

Joint host Marc Evans. They likewise discuss the project's encounters, tales, stories, and some more. It has 7 episodes and then some and the length is about 1 drawn out. It is appropriated through apple music, Spotify, YouTube, and perceptible. Indeed it has changes, jingles, and subject tunes at the beginning, center, and end of each portion. The music utilized in the digital recording is the Brooklyn 99 soundtrack which makes a decent blend of the jingle, topic tune, and soundtrack. I truly like the podcast as it takes a great jump on how they made the show and how every episode was created.

What is a Podcast 

The podcast is an advanced sound record where users can pay attention to the number of points and conversations. You can pay attention to podcasts on various gadgets and streaming stages like Spotify, Apple Music, and some more.

Podcast recording became well known in 2004 and truly launched the sound blog world and became standard once gadgets, for example, iPod and Samsung continued their significance. The primary construction of podcasting is to have an introduction, center - (fundamental substance and end - (Outro). Regardless of anything else the fragment is thought to constantly incorporate/format the groundwork of podcasting.


What makes a good Jingle? 

A good jingle is a jingle that is effective and short but pulls the audience's attention towards it, Also the music and sound effects have to be engaging within the theme. The key is to have a memorable jingle something you hear and instantly know what/where it originates from.

McDonald's "I'm loving it" Jingle Sound

This jingle is renowned from one side of the planet to the other giving its snappy tunes and including a gigantic and a brilliant artist, for example, Justin Timberlake who performed "I'm cherishing it" and that's what McDonald has involved it as a benefit. The jingle was stunningly better given its mellifluous voices utilized inside the jingle.

Snickers Jingle Sound

Snickers made an extraordinary jingle during the 90s which truly got the crowd ready and fans all around the world which was instrumental to the Snickers brand. At the point when delivered during the 90s it was broadly detailed that it was the primary television signature melody utilized for a chocolate bar. Its rehashed utilization of the expression "Your not you, When your Hungry" was extraordinary and interesting to its crowd. Through the jingle, the words were exceptionally resonant and very much performed together to make a great jingle.

Museum of London

Trip Write up

I went to the Museum of London on the 4th March with my class. We went to the Museum for inspiration on our theme which was on "change", I took numerous pictures for our impending photography skills write up. Essentially I had my topic in mind which was on Women's Right and took pictures based on my theme. I did take pictures that was not based on my theme, although can be used for inspiration like the Victorian Walk and the old phone booth and few other design. As we strolled into the historical center I offered to help my peers on their chosen theme and I must say it did give me creative Ideas for my photo documentary.

This picture has really good quality, and has a lot of detail and colour coordination which many people can recognise given its distinctive colour theme. The stripes of green, white and purple are very significant when discussing Votes for women's as people would instantly recognise what it means and how significant it is in our history.

Inspirational Designer

Graphic Designer

Bob peak

Bob Peak is an American illustrator and film poser designer. 
He is known for some of the best modern poster designs, for example, the modern Blaise poster. What makes his work so exceptional is his capacity to include typography and not neglect the other components of a poster. His style is mostly based on famous film posters and has created numerous poster distinctive designs.

In 1961, Bob Peak was named Artist of the Year by the Graphic Artists. He won eight Awards of Excellence and four gold decorations from the Society of Illustrators, which in 1977 Society of Illustrators drafted him to its Hall of Fame.
I think his style really has a lot of gravitas and pulling power towards it, which is a sign of a good poster design. His audience really admires his work and I think I fall in that bracket now while researching his career I really enjoyed his work and when designing my own poster I will surely incorporate some components.


What is a Timeline? 

Well, essentially a timeline is a showcase of a series of events that can be utilized at any reasonable scale addressing time, fitting the subject and information together. The most important thing when creating a timeline is dates and how you can fit the information at hand with the key dates in history. The reason for a timeline is to show a change in time and it's definitely the simplest when discussing/visualising "change" in history.

Visualising change through Cars

Visualising change through Music

You can also visualise change through bar charts as they have a distinctive pattern obviously with the key points, bar charts tend to stick out more when visualising the change in anything, such as "change" History

Visualing Change through Colours

Also, Colours are a huge part of visualising change, for example, In each season we are literally witnessing/visualising  "change", we are seeing the change/difference in colours, from the sky to the trees and even further to the leaves. Visualising "change" in colours may seem to be overrated, as some people are colour blind and that is fair enough, since there's many ways of visualising change.

Practical Research

My aim for my Practical Research is to include original components and to achieve that I will go to the London Museum and take more inspiration from my college for original imagery. I Will use the Canon mark 3 as the camera quality is second to none and will elevate the pictures to another level.

The software I will use - 

I will use Adobe Premiere Pro and adobe audition to edit my Final Podcast. I will attach my audio recordings to a created timeline which will then lay the foundation for me to add music and jingle.

I will also use a variety of tools, such as the cut tool to trim any unnecessary bits and pieces and polish everything together. The best thing about the cut tool is you can cut and analyse each second and point out what you want with each second and every second.


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